Free Keyword Position Checker

Search Engine Optimization

Keyword Position Checker

Enter your domain name :

Keywords :

Check Positions upto :


Enter keywords in separate line.



About Keyword Position Checker

Our keyword position checker tool is a powerful tool that can help you to check the ranking of your website for specific keywords in search engine results pages (SERPs). This information can be used to track your SEO progress and identify areas where you need to improve.

Benefits of using our keyword position checker tool:

  • Track your SEO progress: Our keyword position checker tool can help you to track your SEO progress over time by showing you how your website's ranking for specific keywords changes. This information can be used to identify which SEO strategies are working and which ones need to be adjusted.
  • Identify areas for improvement: By checking your keyword rankings, you can identify any areas where your website is not ranking as well as you would like. This information can then be used to develop targeted SEO strategies to improve your rankings.
  • Make better SEO decisions: By having access to accurate keyword ranking data, you can make better SEO decisions about your website. For example, you can use the data to decide which keywords to target with your SEO efforts and how to optimize your website's content for those keywords.

How to use our keyword position checker tool:

  1. Simply enter the URL of your website and the keywords that you want to check into the text boxes.
  2. Click on the "Check Keyword Positions" button.
  3. Our keyword position checker tool will generate a report that shows you the ranking of your website for each of the keywords that you entered.
  4. You can then review the report and identify any areas where you need to improve your website's ranking.

Here are some additional tips for using our keyword position checker tool:

  • Check your keyword rankings regularly to track your SEO progress.
  • Check your keyword rankings for a variety of different keywords, including both short-tail and long-tail keywords.
  • Compare your keyword rankings to the rankings of your competitors.
  • Use the keyword ranking data to inform your SEO strategy.

We hope that you find our keyword position checker tool to be a valuable resource. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.

Important note: Keyword rankings can fluctuate over time, so it is important to check your keyword rankings regularly. Additionally, it is important to note that keyword rankings are just one factor that search engines use to rank websites in SERPs. Other factors, such as the quality of your website's content and the number of backlinks to your website, also play a role in your website's ranking.